A delegation from SEAMEO INNOTECH visited KU to discuss collaboration

December 02, 2024 | นางสาวนิธิกานต์ พงษ์สถิตย์พร

On 28 November 2024 from 02:00 p.m. in meeting room 10, 10th floor, the Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center Building, Kasetsart University, Asst. Prof. Dr.rer.Soc Supapatpimol Simlee, Assistant to the President for International Affairs, along with KU administrators, namely Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pongprapan Pongsophon, Deputy Head of the Department of Education, Faculty of Education; Asst. Prof. Dr. Wandee Kasemsukpipat, Deputy Dean for International Affairs, Faculty of Education; Dr, Sukanda Jongsermtrakoon, Lecturer from the Department of Educational Technology, Faculty of Education; and IAD representatives welcomed a delegation from SEAMEO INNOTECH, namely Dr. Robbie Macalde, Manager, SEAMEO INNOTECH and Ms. Ethel Joan Atienza, SEAMEO INNOTECH.


The purpose of this visit to Kasetsart University is to discuss the “Preparing Teachers to Innovate Using Digital Technologies” project. SEAMEO INNOTECH wishes to invite KU to participate in the project as one of three universities in Thailand (Higher Education Institutions: HEIs). If KU accepts the invitation, SEAMEO INNOTECH will co-organize a 2-3 day Capacity Building and Action Research Design Workshop as part of the collaboration.


KU has already collaborated with the SEAMEO (Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization) network on several projects. However, this initiative marks the first collaboration between KU and SEAMEO INNOTECH, laying a foundation for strong academic relations between Thailand and the Republic of the Philippines. During the discussions, both parties agreed to organize a Capacity Building and Action Research Design Workshop on January 23, 2025, to showcase KU’s research and initiatives in education. These include topics such as artificial intelligence, assessment methods, teaching processes, and learning management systems, among others.

SEAMEO INNOECH's offical website > www.seameo-innotech.org