The International Affairs Division attended the 9th TICA Connect.

December 16, 2024 | นางสาวนิธิกานต์ พงษ์สถิตย์พร

On December 12-13, 2024, 10:00-15:30 at the Multipurpose Hall, 2nd floor, the Government Complex Commemorating His Majesty the King's 80th Birthday Anniversary, the personnel of the International Affairs Division Kasetsart University namely Mrs. Hathaitus Semchuchot, Acting Director of the International Affairs Division; Miss Unthika Thamnium, Foreign Relations Officer, Professional Level; Mrs. Achiraya Nunes Galante, Foreign Relations Officer, Professional Level; Mr. Weerayuth Savangsuk, Foreign Relations Officer; and Mrs. Jutharat Changniyom, General Administrative Officer participated in the 9th TICA Connect, organized by the Department of International Cooperation or TICA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, under the concept of "Empowering Community for a Sustainable Future" to publicize Thailand’s international development cooperation mission and raise awareness of the benefits of international development cooperation for the development of Thailand and partner countries to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Mr. Paisan Rupanichkij, Deputy Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs, presided over the opening ceremony and a special keynote on “Strengthening and Empowering Local Communities for Sustainable Development” by Mr. Supoj Rodreung Na Nongkhai, Chief of Inspector for Interior Ministry and Ms. Michaela Friberg-Storey, United Nations Resident Coordinator in Thailand.


The event included seminars to exchange knowledge and experiences from community leaders, representatives of the business and civil society sectors with community development, and youth working in community development abroad, and special activities within the event, such as exhibitions by the Department of International Cooperation and agencies that work on cooperation for development, both Thai and foreign agencies. The International Affairs Division participated in this activity by presenting information on international training courses with TICA and presenting products from Kasetsart University's research to interested parties.