การสัมมนาจากBritish Council "Webinars on Thailand-UK collaboration in the Food and Agriculture sector"

การสัมมนาจากBritish Council    "Webinars on Thailand-UK collaboration in the Food and Agriculture sector"

British Council แจ้งประชาสัมพันธ์ การสัมมนา  "Webinars on Thailand-UK collaboration in the Food and Agriculture sector"

1. Foresight into the BCG Economy - Project Showcase

We are working with the Food Innopolis, NSTDA, on the Foresight into the BCG Economy: Food and Agriculture Series Project. 

We are inviting you to attend the webinar to showcase and disseminate the outcomes of the 6-month long project, to develop visions, strategies, and roadmaps for the sustainable future of the food and agriculture sector. 

Date: 21 March 2022, 09.00 - 12.00 hrs TH time

Platform: Zoom


Keynote: Future Scenarios of Food and Agriculture System (Prof. Ron Corstanje, Cranfield University)

STI Policy and Plan for Thailand Food Research and Innovation (Dr. Pongpan Kaewtatip, TSRI)

Foresight into the BCG Economy: Food and Agriculture Series (Dr. Akkharawit Kanjana-opas, Food Innopolis)

Strategic Roadmap for the Development of Thai Future Food and Agriculture industry (Dr. Kenisha Garnett and Dr. Simon Jude, Cranfield University)

Roundtable Discussion: Thailand Food Research and Innovation - From policy to implementation and the ways forward.(Moderated by Helga Stellmacher, British Council Thailand)

  Register Here     

2.Future of Food from lens of risk and resilience – Lessons from Thai and UK collaborations

As part of the NSTDA Annual Conference 2022, the British Council and British Embassy are showcasing Newton Fund research in the area of Food and Agriculture, and exploring opportunities beyond the Newton Fund.

Date: 31 March 2022, 13.30 - 16.00 hrs. TH time

Platform: Online via Webex

For full programme and speakers, please visit this link


  Register Here     
