ประชาสัมพันธ์ ASEA-UNINET Project Call 2023-2024

ประชาสัมพันธ์ ASEA-UNINET Project Call 2023-2024

 ASEA-UNINET Project Call 2023-2024 

The implementation period                                   Oct 1, 2023 to Sep 30, 2024  

The call will remain open up to, and including,     April 20, 2023. 


What is an ASEA-UNINET project ?


A project within ASEA-UNINET is a research and/or a teaching cooperation between at least 1 Austrian and at least 1 ASEAN / PakistanASEA-UNINET Member University (including the ASEA-UNINET Candidate Members). Several ASEA-UNINET (Candidate) Member Universities from these member countries are welcome to participate in one project.


What can be funded?

In particular, the transcontinental mobilities of the scientists participating in the project can be funded. These are the travel expenses (funded only for Scientists from Austria) to and/or the living expenses in the partner country (funded for Scientists from Austria AND from ASEAN member countries/Pakistan). Between one and around six mobilities may be funded as part of one project. One mobility may last between a few days and a maximum of 3 months.


Further information:

You may find further information as well as the ASEA-UNINET application guidelines (e.g., what can be funded and how much) can be found here.


How should scientists proceed, if they are interested in a joint project with an Austrian ASEA-UNINET member university:


First step: Find a suitable project partner at an Austrian ASEA-UNINET Member University. It should be noted that the ASEA-UNINET Network Office CANNOT assist with this search. If you do not know a suitable project partner, please contact the Coordinator of this Austrian ASEA-UNINET Member University.


Second step: Create a joint research or teaching project with the Austrian partner.


Third step: The project proposal has to be submitted (by April 20, 2023). Attention: The application is to be submitted exclusively by the Austrian partner (usually the Austrian project leader).


The approval process is multi-stage and takes several months. The Austrian partner will inform you if the project will be funded.



The ASEA-UNINET Coordinator of the relevant Austrian or ASEAN (candidate) member university (please see here for contact details) or the National Coordinator (please see here for contact details).

Administration of project funding:
OeAD-GmbH – Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation
Department for International Cooperation in Higher Education / Mobility Programmes and Cooperation (MPC)

Barbara Karahan, BA BA MA (Ms.)
Tel.: +43 1 534 08-476
E-mail: barbara.karahan@oead.at


