KU discussed academic cooperation with a delegation of NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management, TUHH Germany.

October 25, 2023 | นางสาวนิธิกานต์ พงษ์สถิตย์พร

On 20 October 2023, at 1:00 p.m. in the IAD meeting room, 10th floor, the Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center Building, Kasetsart University, Associate Professor Dr. Chamaipak Maiklad, Assistant to the President for International Affairs together with Assistant Professor Dr. Pathamaporn Sripadungtham, Vice Dean for International Affairs, Faculty of Engineering; Miss Prattana Thirakiettikun, Head of the International Collaboration and Networking Section; and personnel of the International Affairs Division welcomed the official visit to Kasetsart University of Dr. Klemens Kleiminger, CEO, NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management, TUHH Germany.


On this occasion, Associate Professor Dr. Chamaipak Maiklad, Assistant to the President for International Affairs welcomed the delegation and was pleased to support the opportunity for cooperation in education between the two universities and led to a video presentation introducing Kasetsart University. It is an honor and pleasure that Kasetsart University and NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management, TUHH Germany will participate in related academic activities together, specifically in the areas of technology management at NIT + engineering or science at TUHH. In today's meeting, the Vice Dean for International Affairs, Faculty of Engineering which is the related faculty was invited to meet and discuss further cooperation and opportunities in areas of common interest. Currently, the Faculty of Engineering and TUHH have an active MOU of cooperation at the faculty level for the exchange of both Inbound and Outbound students.


Then, Dr. Klemens Kleiminger, CEO of NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management, TUHH Germany, expressed his gratitude and introduced general information about NIT and TUHH, Germany, saying that NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management in Hamburg, founded at the TUHH Hamburg University of Technology in 1998 to provide elite management education for its students, NIT was the first private Business school in Northern Germany.


Dr. Klemens Kleiminger further mentioned that the purpose of his visit to Kasetsart University was to develop academic cooperation with the Faculty of Engineering at Kasetsart University, introducing the single degree of the MBA program in Technology Management; and the double degree master's program in Engineering + Technology Management (MBA/MA). Students can complete a double degree in Technology Management at NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management + Engineering or Science at TUHH Hamburg University of Technology Management, with the option of an NIT Master in Technology Management (M.A. / MBA). He also introduced NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management the Business School of Hamburg University of Technology Management TUHH which offers MBA and other technical engineering programs for Thai students interested in studying in Germany. At TUHH there are about 12 different English-taught study programs.