An Academic Discussion on Establishing Mutual Collaboration Between Kasetsart University and University College Dublin, Ireland

May 22, 2024 | นางสาวนิธิกานต์ พงษ์สถิตย์พร

On Tuesday, May 21st, 2024, at 1:00 p.m., in Meeting Room No. 9, 2nd Floor of the Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center Building, Kasetsart University Bangkhen Campus, Associate Professor Dr. Ladawan Puangchit, Vice President for Academic Affairs, chaired the welcoming remarks. She was joined by administrators and lecturers, including Assistant Professor Dr. rer. Soc Supapatpimol Simlee, Assistant to the President for International Affairs; Professor Dr. Arinthip Thamchaipenet, Associate Dean for Research and International Affairs, Faculty of Science; and other lecturers from Kasetsart University. They welcomed and discussed academic collaboration with H.E. Mr. Patrick Bourne, Ambassador of Ireland to the Kingdom of Thailand; Ms. Jayanthi Thevarajah, the Head of Education Services ASEAN at Enterprise Ireland; Professor Jeremy Simpson, College Principal & Dean of Science, UCD College of Science; and other UCD administrators from the Republic of Ireland. Also present were Professor Eiji Nawata, Director of the ASEAN Centre of Kyoto University, and Dr. Taro Sonobe, Research Administrator of Kyoto University, on the occasion of their official visit to Kasetsart University.


Before the academic discussions between Kasetsart University and University College Dublin (UCD), the Republic of Ireland representatives provided a brief overview. H.E. Mr. Patrick Bourne explained that University College Dublin (UCD), founded in 1854, is one of Europe's leading universities, focusing on research and teaching management for both undergraduate and graduate students. It emphasizes training, innovative research, and community participation in various activities. UCD is ranked in the top one percent of global universities and hosts over 38,000 students from 152 countries. The university comprises six colleges: the College of Arts and Humanities, the College of Business, the College of Engineering and Architecture, the College of Health and Agricultural Sciences, the College of Science, and the College of Social Sciences and Law. On April 24th, 2024, UCD administrators visited Kasetsart University to discuss curriculum, research, and other international activities, including potential international collaboration, particularly in the EEC project, to initiate a mutual MOU.


The administrators of UCD expressed interest in establishing academic collaboration with KU through joint programs, student exchanges, and mutual research. Initial focus areas may include the food industry, agriculture, and environmental science, where both universities have significant expertise. In conclusion, the administrators and lecturers at KU agreed to support the organization of academic activities to promote diplomatic relations between Kasetsart University and University College Dublin. Finally, Associate Professor Dr. Ladawan Puangchit presented a souvenir to the administrators from the Republic of Ireland and Kyoto University and invited the delegation to participate in a group photo session.