International Affairs Division welcomes an academic staff under the MERGING VOICES (MV)

International Affairs Division welcomes an academic staff under the MERGING VOICES (MV)

On 31 March 2023, at 10.30 a.m., at the IAD meeting room on the 10fl of the Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center Building at Kasetsart University, Associate Professor Dr. Chamaipak Maiklad, Assistant to the President for International Affairs, along with Miss Prattana Thirakiettikun, Head of the International Collaboration and Networking Section welcomed Associate Professor Rogerio Miguel Puga, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (NOVA), Portugal. Associate Professor Rogerio Miguel Puga was the selected candidate who received funding from the MERGING VOICES (MV) project, a project under the framework of the European Program Erasmus+ (International Credit Mobility) to visit Kasetsart University during 30 – 31 March 2023.


The Faculty of Humanities organized academic activities for Associate Professor Rogerio Miguel Puga, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (NOVA), a scholarship recipient under the MERGING VOICES (MV) 2020, a program under the European Program Erasmus+ (International Credit Mobility) framework that supports mobility between faculty, staff, and students from institutions in Portugal, 4 institutions and educational institutions in the network from 26 countries to promote knowledge transfer and create good practices together which is conducive to social development, economy and culture in world society. He traveled to participate in various activities as Academic Staff Mobility at Kasetsart University during 30 - 31 March 2023. Associate Professor Rogerio Miguel Puga was invited to be a guest speaker on the topic “English Novels on Macao” on 30 March 2023, from 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at the Faculty of Humanities and visit the Faculty of Humanities after the lecture.


The next day on 31 March 2023 at 10.30 am, the International Affairs Division welcomed and conducted various activities for Associate Professor Rogerio Miguel Puga, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa (NOVA), Portugal. Associate Professor Dr. Chamaipak Maiklad, Assistant to the President for International Affairs welcomed and had a fruitful discussion on various cooperation topics such as faculty members and student exchanges, co-organizing related Thai and Portuguese activities such as seminars, workshops, online courses in language, culture, food, desserts, soap opera, tourism, etc. Associate Professor Rogerio Miguel Puga is pleased to be the coordinator. On this occasion, Associate Professor Dr. Chamaipak Maiklad, Assistant to the President for International Relations presented the souvenir and took group photos. Later, Associate Professor Rogerio Miguel Puga visited various important places which are landmarks of Kasetsart University, such as the Statue of the three founders of Kasetsart University, the God of Rain’s pond, the KU Main Library, and the Kasetsart University Hall of History and etc., which have been greatly impressed by a delegation.