Application for Inbound Exchange Students


             The online application form is appropriate for international students who will enroll as an exchange student and take courses that earn academic credit, and for international students who have arranged wish to take short-term courses or participate in internship, trainings programs, or engage in research projects at Kasetsart UniversityStudents must complete and submit the online application form with the required documents. The application review process normally takes about 4 weeks.

          The International Affair Divisions (IAD) oversees the application process. If your application is accepted, IAD will issue an acceptance letter and a letter certifying your acceptanceThese documents are needed to facilitate your visa application process (Thailand Education ED-Visa) and for registration at KUBe sure to keep the documents in a safe, secure place.

  For questions regarding the Application Process, contact IAD:

 Nomination deadline for study earning academic credit

        Semester 1/2024 :  30 April 2024

        Semester 2/2024 :  30 September 2024       


Application deadline for study earning academic credit

       Semester 1/2024: May 17, 2024

       Semester 2/2024: October 18, 2024

       Semester 1/2025: May 16, 2025

       Semester 2/2025: October 17, 2025


Application for internships, training programs, or research projects can be done all year round

  Academic Calendar   


Inbound Exchange
Inbound Full-Time
Programs in English
Partner Institutes

Life at KU

Latest News

          On Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024, at 09.00 a.m., Meeting Room No.4, 2nd floor of the Kasetsart Golden Jubilee Administration and Information Center Building, Kasetsart University Bangkhen Campus, Dr. Chongrak Wachrinrat, Acting President of Kasetsart University along with administrators, namely Dr. Damrong Sripraram, Vice President for Administration and Carbon Neutrality; Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chamaipak Maiklad, Assistant to the President for International Affairs; Asst. Prof. Dr. Kritsadapan Palakit, Assistant Dean for International Affairs, Faculty of Forestry; Asst. Prof. Dr. Nirundon Tapachai, Lecturer from the Department of Management, Faculty of Business Administration; Asst. Prof. Dr. Laddawan Rianthakool, Vice Dean of the Department of Forest Engineering, Faculty of Forestry; Mr. Detrit Sittibal, Lecturer from the Department of Forest Engineering, Faculty of Forestry; and representatives from the International Affairs Division welcomed representatives from the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Bangkok, namely H.E. Mr. Pavel PITEL, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary; Mr. Michal ŠVÉDA, Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission; and Mr. Vaclav HEITMANEK, Head of the Economic and Trade section of the Embassy on the occasion of visiting Kasetsart University to strengthen relationships and discuss collaboration between Thailand and the Czech Republic.

        On Tuesday, January 30th, 2024, KU welcomed the executive from Mendel University in Brno (MENDELU), Czech Republic, to discuss forestry collaboration. Dr. Chongrak Wachrinrat welcomed the delegation and provided an overview of the university. Following this, H.E. Mr. Pavel PITEL outlined the mission of the Czech Embassy in Thailand and shared a vision of how the partnership between the two countries could bring significant benefits. Future plans include focusing on student exchanges in biomedical science and engineering, aligning with the newly established Faculty of Medicine at Kasetsart University.

           Dr. Chongrak Wachrinrat mentioned plans to visit the Czech Republic with KU executives in November or December to discuss further collaboration. The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Bangkok will assist in coordinating meetings with Czech universities and has invited Thai alumni to a gathering in late October. In exchange, Dr. Chongrak invited the Czech Embassy to participate in the Kaset Fair in 2025 as the exhibitor of Czech innovation. After the discussions, Dr. Chongrak presented souvenirs to the Czech Embassy delegation, and a group photo was taken.