North America(Expired)

No. Name of Partners Agreement Name Agreement Level Subordinating Unit of KU Subordinating Unit of Partner Effective Date Expired Date Duration Auto - Renewal Download
(Only authorized persons)
1 Auburn University Academic Interchange Agreement University 1989-06-20 1994-06-19 5 Y
2 Ball State University International Memorandum of Understanding an Agreement University 2010-09-03 2015-09-02 5 Y
3 California Polytechnic State University Memorandum of Understanding Faculty 1. Faculty of Agriculture
1.Orfalea College of Business
2016-01-14 2021-01-13 5 Y
4 California State University, Monterey Bay Student Exchange Agreement Faculty 1. Office of the University Library
2014-10-21 2019-10-20 5 Y
5 Case Western Reserve University Memorandum of Understanding Faculty 1999-09-06 2004-09-05 5 Y
6 Christian Brothers University Memorandum of Understanding Faculty 1. Faculty of Agriculture
1.School of Engineering
2016-06-01 2021-05-31 5 Y
7 Cornell University Memorandum of Agreement University 1.College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
2015-11-10 2020-11-09 5 Y
8 Escuela Agricola Panamericana Inc. (University of ZAMORANO) General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange University 2016-03-24 2021-03-23 5 Y
9 Gonzaga Universtiy Cooperative Agreement University 1995-08-09 1998-08-10 3 Y
10 Iowa State University of Science and Technology(Iowa State University) Memorandum of Agreement-the Achievement Foundation University 1984-04-20 1989-04-19 5 Y
11 Iowa State University of Science and Technology(Iowa State University) General Agreement University 1999-04-29 2004-04-28 5 Y
12 Iowa State University of Science and Technology(Iowa State University) International Memorandum of Understanding University 2012-06-27 2016-06-26 5 Y
13 James Madison University Memorandum of Understanding University 2015-02-02 2020-02-01 5 Y
14 Lewis-Clark State College Memorandum of Understanding (or Cooperative Agreement) University 2017-12-11 2022-12-10 5 Y
15 Michigan State University Memorandum of Understanding Campus 2 2019-05-23 2024-05-22 5 Y
16 Oklahoma State University Agreement for Reciprocal Exchange and Cooperation in Academic Research Activities University 2001-07-31 2002-07-30 1 Y
17 Pennsylvania State University Memorandum of Understanding University 1.College of Agricultural Sciences
2014-07-31 2019-07-30 5 Y
18 Pennsylvania State University Memorandum of Understanding University 2014-07-31 2019-07-30 5 Y
19 San Francisco State University Memorandum of Understanding University 2019-07-25 2024-07-24 5 Y
20 Texas A&M Transportation Institute Memorandum of Agreement University 2012-08-06 2014-08-05 2 Y
21 Texas A&M University Memorandum of Agreement University 1988-09-08 1990-09-07 2 Y
22 The Catholic University of America Memorandum of Understanding for Engineering Collaboration Faculty 2008-02-26 2011-02-25 3 Y
23 The University of British Columbia Memorandum of Understanding University 2007-04-26 2012-04-25 5 Y
24 The University of British Columbia Statement of Cooperation Faculty 1. Faculty of Forestry
1.Faculty of Forestry
2017-05-01 2022-04-30 5 Y
25 The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture Memorandum of Agreement for Faculty and Student Exchange University 2005-01-17 2010-01-16 5 Y
26 U.S. Wheat Associates Contract for Bakery Seminars University 1986-01-31 1991-01-29 5 Y
27 U.S. Wheat Associates Contract for Bakery Seminar University 1987-11-10 1992-11-09 5 Y
28 U.S. Wheat Associates Contract for Bakery Seminar University 1988-11-09 1993-11-08 5 Y
29 U.S. Wheat Associates Contract for Bakery Seminars University 1989-11-23 1994-11-22 5 Y
30 U.S. Wheat Associates Contract for Bakery Seminars University 1991-11-22 1995-11-21 5 Y
31 Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi Inter-University Cooperation Agreement University 2015-09-04 2020-09-03 5 Y
32 University of California, Davis Agreement of Cooperation University 2003-03-03 2008-03-02 5 Y
33 University of California, Davis Agreement of Cooperation University 2012-01-27 2016-01-26 4 Y
34 University of California, Davis Agreement of Cooperation University 1.
2017-10-11 2021-10-10 4 Y
35 University of Florida Cooperative Agreement University 2010-06-30 2016-06-30 6 Y
36 University of Florida Addendum No. One (1) to the Cooperative Agreement University 2016-06-27 2021-06-26 5 Y
37 University of Georgia International Cooperative Agreement University 1.The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia
2004-06-07 2009-06-06 5 Y
38 University of Georgia Agreement for Collaboration Faculty 1. Royal Project Foundation
1.Faculty of Education
2004-12-02 2009-12-01 5 Y
39 University of Guam Memorandum of Understanding University 2010-04-06 2013-04-05 3 Y
40 University of Hawaii at Manoa Memorandum of Understanding on International Exchange University 2013-03-25 2018-03-24 5 Y
41 University of Hawaii at Manoa Memorandum of Agreement Faculty 1. Faculty of Agriculture Kamphaeng Saen
1.College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources
2013-09-23 2016-09-22 3 Y
42 University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign Memorandum of Agreement University 2006-05-01 2011-05-01 5 Y
43 University of Kentucky Cooperative Agreement University 2012-12-24 2017-12-23 5 Y
44 University of Louisiana at Lafayette Memorandum of Understanding Faculty 1. Faculty of Science
1.College of Sciences
2017-06-06 2022-06-05 5 Y
45 University of Massachusetts Amherst Memorandum Agreement Physical Characterization of Cassava Starch Institute Institute Institution of Food Research and Product Development Department of Food Science 1997-04-10 1999-04-09 2 Y
46 University of Massachusetts Amherst Visiting Students Agreement Faculty 2014-07-30 2019-07-29 5 Y
47 University of Montana General Memorandum for Academic Cooperation and Exchange University 2002-06-03 2007-06-02 5 Y
48 University of North Texas Memorandum of Agreement University 2010-01-05 2015-01-04 5 Y
49 University of North Texas Agreement on Academic Cooperation University 2018-05-01 2023-04-30 5 Y
50 University of Northern Colorado Agreement University 2004-12-08 2007-12-07 3 Y
51 University of Northern Colorado Educational Cooperative University 1999-07-21 2002-07-20 3 Y
52 University of Northern Colorado Memorandum of Understanding University 2004-12-08 2007-12-07 3 Y
53 University of Prince Edward Island Memorandum of Understanding Faculty 1. Institute of Food Research and Product Development
1.Atlantic Veterinary College
1998-02-18 2003-02-17 5 Y
54 University of Prince Edward Island Memorandum of Understanding University 2016-11-29 2021-11-28 5 Y
55 University of Quebec at Montreal Protocal of General Agreement University 2009-09-15 2014-09-14 5 Y
56 University of Saskatchewan Memorandum of Understanding Faculty 1. The Graduate School
1.College of Agriculture
1998-06-10 2003-06-09 5 Y
57 University of Victoria Memorandum of Agreement Faculty 1. Royal Project Foundation
1998-04-01 2005-03-31 7 Y
58 University of Wisconsin – Madison Academic Exchange Agreement University 2004-01-15 2009-01-14 5 Y
59 University of Wisconsin – Madison Agreement for Educational and Scientific Cooperation Faculty 1. Lifelong learning Development Office
1.College of Engineering
1997-11-30 2002-11-29 5 Y
60 University of Wisconsin – Madison Memorandum of Understanding for Academic Cooperation University 2018-01-02 2023-01-01 5 Y
61 USAID (United States Agency for International Development) Memorandum of Understanding on Enhancing Social and Environmental Safeguards on Energy and Transportation Infrastructure in Thailand and other Lower Mekong Countries University 2021-03-25 2023-09-01 2 Y
62 Utah State University Agreement for Cooperation University 2009-03-25 2014-03-24 5 Y
63 Utah State University Memorandum of Understanding Institute Utah State University Research Office 1997-01-01 2002-01-01
64 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Agreement for Academic Collaboration and Exchange University 2004-06-05 2009-06-04 5 Y
65 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Student Exchange Agreement University 2004-06-05 2009-06-04 5 Y
66 Washington State University Memorandum of Agreement University 2004-05-28 2006-05-27 2 Y
67 Winrock International Institute for Agricultural (Winrock International) Memorandum of Understanding University 2015-11-12 2020-09-17 5 Y
68 Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Letter of Intent University 2010-02-17 2015-02-16 5 Y
69 Louisiana State University Agricultural Center testA Above University 2019-03-15 2022-07-14 3 Y 4M
70 Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College Letter of Intent University 2010-02-17 2015-02-16 5 Y
Y = Year, M = Month

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