Tottori University

No. Name of Partners Agreement Name Agreement Level Subordinating Unit of KU Subordinating Unit of Partner Effective Date Expired Date Duration Auto - Renewal Download
(Only authorized persons)
1 Tottori University Agreement of Academic Exchange and Coopreation 2014-08-12 2019-08-11 5 Y
2 Tottori University Memorandum for Student Exchange baseed on Acdemic Exchange 2014-08-12 2019-08-11 5 Y
3 Tottori University Memorandum of Understanding for Joint Project and Human Resources Development 2010-03-08 2013-03-31 3 Y
4 Tottori University Memorandum for Joint Research on Mycorrhizal Fungi and Mycorrhizal Symbiosis with regard to the MOU for Joint Project and Human Resources Development 2010-03-08 2013-03-31 3 Y
5 Tottori University Consigned Services Agreement 2011-04-01 2012-02-20 10 Y
6 Tottori University Memorandum of Understanding for Joint Research on Mycorrhizal Fungi and Mycorrhizal Symbiosis 2010-04-03 2013-04-02 3 Y
7 Tottori University Memorandum for Student Exchange Based on Academic Exchange University 2019-08-07 2024-08-06 5 Y
8 Tottori University Agreement of Academic Exchange and cooperation University 2019-08-07 2024-08-06 5 Y
9 Tottori University Agreement of Academic Exchange and Cooperation University 2024-06-17 2029-06-16 5 Y
10 Tottori University Memorandum for Student Exchange Based on Academic Exchange University 2024-06-17 2029-06-16 5 Y
Y = Year, M = Month

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