University of Tokyo

No. Name of Partners Agreement Name Agreement Level Subordinating Unit of KU Subordinating Unit of Partner Effective Date Expired Date Duration Auto - Renewal Download
(Only authorized persons)
1 University of Tokyo Agreement on Academic Exchange 1998-06-08 2003-06-07 5 Y
2 University of Tokyo Memorandum on Academic Exchange 1998-06-08 2003-06-07 5 Y
3 University of Tokyo Memorandum for the Renewal of the Agreement on Academic Exchange 2003-08-19 2008-08-18 5 Y
4 University of Tokyo Agreement on Academic Exchange 2009-06-01 2014-06-01 5 Y
5 University of Tokyo Agreement on Student Exchange 2009-06-01 2014-06-01 5 Y
6 University of Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding 2009-11-25 2013-11-24 5 Y
7 University of Tokyo Memorandum of Understanding 2012-03-30 2017-03-29 5 Y
8 University of Tokyo Agreement on Academic Exchange Faculty 1. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
2. Faculty of Agriculture
3. Faculty of Agriculture Kamphaeng Saen
4. Faculty of Forestry
5. Faculty of Veterinary Technology
1.Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
2.Asian Natural Environmental Science Center
2020-08-04 2025-08-03 5 Y
9 University of Tokyo Memorandum on Student Exchange Faculty 1. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
2. Faculty of Agriculture
3. Faculty of Agriculture Kamphaeng Saen
4. Faculty of Forestry
5. Faculty of Veterinary Technology
1.Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences
2020-08-04 2025-08-03 5 Y
Y = Year, M = Month

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